The Suicide of Solitude
The Suicide of Solitude
Tragifarce in 13 steps, with one intermission and one jump.
He and She are introduced in a strange location – a rooftop by night. The woman wants to jump (or does she?) and the man tries to stop her (why?). Also present are an unknown figure (alive or dead? or a dummy?) and two cats, waiting for a third that is yet to arrive. Anticipating some fun, the cats watch the people and comment on the performance. The action takes several wild turns: a rescue and an assault, a murder investigation and the events that provoked it, a confession and a love story, the arrival of a UFO and a scientific discovery... The genre changes in a similarly kaleidoscopic manner, from detective thriller to farce, fantasy to drama. And in the finale, only a suicide can really and truly happen...
Published in the anthology "Strike of illusions", collection “Provocation of other”, Armenian almanah “Dramaturgy”. Translated in Russian, Polish, Armenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian. Staged at Kiev, Lviv, Harkiv (Ukraine), Lublin (Poland), Shtip (Macedonia).